During December 2019, inflation occurred at 1.09 percent in Kalimantan Utara (Tarakan Municipality). - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tana Tidung Regency

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During December 2019, inflation occurred at 1.09 percent in Kalimantan Utara (Tarakan Municipality).

Release Date : January 2, 2020
File Size : 0.59 MB


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  • Out of 82 national CPI monitoring municipalities, in December 2019 there were 72 municipalities experiencing inflation and 10 other municipalities experiencing deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Batam Municipality by 1.28 percent and the lowest occurred in Watampone Municipality by 0.01 percent. Whereas the highest deflation occurred in Manado Municipality was -1.88 percent and the lowest occurred in Bukit Tinggi Municipality and Singkawang Municipality by -0.01 percent for both municipalities.
  • Kalimantan Utara Province (Tarakan Municipality) in December 2019 experienced inflation of 1.09 percent with a calendar year inflation rate of 1.47 percent and year-on-year inflation of 1.47 percent.
  • Inflation in Kalimantan Utara (Tarakan Municipality) was influenced by price increases in the transportation and communication group by 4.56 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 1.22 percent, clothing by 0.78 percent, health group by 0.38 percent, the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group by 0.36 percent, the foodstuffs group by 0.06 percent and the education, recreation group. While the groups that experienced a price decline were the education, recreation and sports group by -0.02 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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