During November 2020, there was inflation of 0.09 percent in Kalimantan Utara Province. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tana Tidung Regency

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During November 2020, there was inflation of 0.09 percent in Kalimantan Utara Province.

Release Date : December 1, 2020
File Size : 0.74 MB


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  • Out of 90 municipalities on national CPI monitoring, in November 2020, 83 municipalities experienced inflation and 7 other municipalities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was in Tual Municipality at 1.15 percent and the lowest was in Bima Municipality at 0.01 percent. While the highest deflation was in Kendari Municipality at -0.22 percent and the lowest was in Meulaboh Municipality at -0.01.
  • Kalimantan Utara Province (Combined of Tarakan and Tanjung Selor Municipality) in November 2020 an inflation of 0.09 percent occurred. Meanwhile, Tarakan Municipality experienced deflation of -0.05 percent and Tanjung Selor experienced inflation of 0.68 percent.
  • Inflation in Kalimantan Utara Province (Combined of Tarakan and Tanjung Selor Municipality) was influenced by an increase in the price index in the health group by 0.44 percent, the transportation group by 0.39 percent, the food, beverage and tobacco group by 0.35 percent, the equipment group. equipment and household routine maintenance by 0.09 percent, the information, communication and financial services group by 0.04 percent, the clothing and footwear group by 0.00 percent and the education group by 0.00 percent. Meanwhile, deflation in Kalimantan Utara Province (Combined of Tarakan and Tanjung Selor Municipality) was influenced by a decrease in the price index in the recreation, sports and culture group by -1.34 percent, the personal care and other services group by -0.60 percent, the food and housing group. drinks / restaurants by -0.07 percent and the food and beverage / restaurant supply group by -0.01 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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